About Us


Centered in the beautiful city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Revival is a fountain of living water to a people thirsty for life, healing and hope.

Led by Senior Pastor Wayne Nel and his team of pastors, elders and deacons, Revival networks with others within the body of Christ to empower believers to live authentic, Spirit-led lives as we release, for God’s glory, His flavours and colours into our world.

Characterised by vibrant worship, coupled with solid Biblical teaching, this multicultural, cross-generational, Spirit-filled church plays an active role in facilitating life transformation for individuals, families and the communities in which we are placed.

By God’s grace, we live ‘revival’!


Based on the words of Jesus in His ‘Sermon on the Mount’ (Matt 5:13-26), our vision is to release, for God’s glory, His flavours and colours into the world.

This is outworked through the threefold process of attracting, discipline and releasing saints so that ‘as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. (Ephesians 4:16)


​As a church family, we come alongside you on your journey of life, by faith, to help you discover your identity in Christ Jesus and empower you to live whole, healed and fulfilled lives as you grow in maturity, led by His Spirit, to the glory of The Father.


We are ordinary everyday people who have taken our everyday ordinary lives and placed them before God as an offering. Embracing what God has done for us is the best thing that we can do for Him.


So we encourage you to explore. Seek and you will find.

God wants to take you in an adventure: a life adventure, a family adventure, a faith adventure. There is so much more to discover.
Let’s dive in together.
Let ‘Revival’ begin!